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Me late


I Speak Mexican Blog. 

Me late

Deborah G.

Spanish, much like English has many verbs and nouns to describe an intuition (una intuición), a hunch (una corazonada) or a sixth sense (un sexto sentido).
Mexican Spanish adds one more, one idiomatic expression (used informally) that comes straight from the heart: "latirle algo a alguien".
It encompasses having an intuition, a hunch, a good feeling or a sixth sense about something in one!

It comes straight from the heart because it is based on the verb Latir - to beat (as in the beating of your heart). 

Following is my own non-scientific way of looking at this expression:

If you want to say my heart beats, you have two choices:
1. Mi corazón late  
2. Me late el corazón.

Me late...It beats (heart implied).

Now think about this: how, or more precisely where, do you feel it when you know something intuitively, have a premonition, a hunch or when you have a great feeling about something? In your heart, right? It beats in a different way, maybe faster, maybe slower but you feel that beat.

Me late...It beats.

Do you have a good feeling about something? You can say me late.
Me late mucho esta película.  - I have a good feeling about this movie.

Do you have a hunch, a premonition or a presentiment about something? You can say me late.
Me late que me voy a ganar la lotería - I have a hunch that I am going to win the lottery.

Do you know something intuitively? You can say me late.
Me late que Juan tiene problemas - I feel/think that Juan has problems. 

Do you have a bad feeling about something? Switch to no me late
No me late caminar por este callejón. - I have a bad feeling about walking in this alleyway.

Even the Lottery in Mexico uses this expression. One of their products is called Melate (talk about hunches!)

I hope you find many opportunities in your life where you can look around and say:

¡Me late!

Note: According to El Diccionario de la Real Academia Española, Venezuela uses this expression as well.